Building in China is about striking an architectural balance between the pull of monumental tradition and the push of technological novelty. Centering on the dynamic period of post-imperial and pre-Communist China, the book focuses on the building and city planning initiatives of Henry Murphy, a little-known American architect who initially ventured to China in 1914 to design a campus for the Yale-in-China programme, but who then found himself captivated by a professional and cultural challenge that lasted two decades: how to preserve China''s rich architectural traditions while also designing new buildings using up-to-date Western technologies. Murphy''s buildings were compromises — “new wine in old bottles” as he once called them — and the book uses those “bottles” as lenses through which to understand not only Murphy''s quest to find a middle ground for his architecture in China, but also to gaze at a tumultuous society facing an uncertain future. Murphy''s buildings were more than vessels for either aesthetic visions or technical expertise; inadvertently they became political emblems, as Chinese rulers such as Chiang Kai-shek and Sun Yat-sen''s son called on Murphy for city planning advice to complement their hopes for urban reconstruction.


There are few serious studies of Western architects in the twentieth century who practiced in non-Western contexts, and those scant studies that have been published concentrate largely on British, French or Dutch examples in colonial settings. Hence, the book makes significant contributions to the fields of both American and Chinese architectural history.

Building in China:Henry K.Murphy-、s”Ada..是本不錯的藝術設計﹐連家人都超喜歡的好嗎,一拿起,那觸感簡直不要太美好阿



好看的藝術設計Building in China:Henry K.Murphy-、s”Ada..全書的內容大意

看完心情愉快, 正能量滿滿,總會覺得彷彿一伸出雙手便能擁抱全世界

Building in China:Henry K.Murphy-、s”Ada..總而言之,它的評價很高,誠意推薦給大家看喔!

Building in China:Henry K.Murphy-、s”Ada..曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。

  • 出版社:香港中文大學


  • 出版日期:2001/11/28
  • 語言:繁體中文





  • 出版社:香港中文大學


  • 出版日期:2001/11/28
  • 語言:繁體中文

Building in China is about striking an architectural balance between the pull of monumental tradition and the push of technological novelty. Centering on the dynamic period of post-imperial and pre-Communist China, the book focuses on the building and city planning initiatives of Henry Murphy, a little-known American architect who initially ventured to China in 1914 to design a campus for the Yale-in-China programme, but who then found himself captivated by a professional and cultural challenge that lasted two decades: how to preserve China''s rich architectural traditions while also designing new buildings using up-to-date Western technologies. Murphy''s buildings were compromises — “new wine in old bottles” as he once called them — and the book uses those “bottles” as lenses through which to understand not only Murphy''s quest to find a middle ground for his architecture in China, but also to gaze at a tumultuous society facing an uncertain future. Murphy''s buildings were more than vessels for either aesthetic visions or technical expertise; inadvertently they became political emblems, as Chinese rulers such as Chiang Kai-shek and Sun Yat-sen''s son called on Murphy for city planning advice to complement their hopes for urban reconstruction.


There are few serious studies of Western architects in the twentieth century who practiced in non-Western contexts, and those scant studies that have been published concentrate largely on British, French or Dutch examples in colonial settings. Hence, the book makes significant contributions to the fields of both American and Chinese architectural history.

Building in China:Henry K.Murphy-、s”Ada..

Building in China:Henry K.Murphy-、s”Ada..推薦,Building in China:Henry K.Murphy-、s”Ada..討論Building in China:Henry K.Murphy-、s”Ada..比較評比,Building in China:Henry K.Murphy-、s”Ada..開箱文,Building in China:Henry K.Murphy-、s”Ada..部落客

Building in China:Henry K.Murphy-、s”Ada..
那裡買,Building in China:Henry K.Murphy-、s”Ada..價格,Building in China:Henry K.Murphy-、s”Ada..特賣會,Building in China:Henry K.Murphy-、s”Ada..評比,Building in China:Henry K.Murphy-、s”Ada..部落客 推薦





Building in China:Henry K.Murphy-、s”Ada..



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